Welcome to the home of The Inspire Wire Podcast and Blog! This website will be a place where you can find the show notes for each episode of the podcast, as well as a blog with articles about inspirations, ideas, random thoughts, and more.

So what is the podcast about?

The Inspire Wire Podcast is a podcast where I talk to guests about their interests, ideas, passions, careers, hobbies, thoughts, and more. We will share cool stories and experiences, and try to learn from each other. Our topics will have a wide range, and with a podcast based on inspiration and ideas, you never know where the conversation may lead. Be prepared to think weird and random thoughts!

I am hoping that this website and the Inspire Wire as a whole will be a place where people can come to share their inspirations, ideas, and feedback on the show. I have found that inspiration often comes from sharing experiences and thoughts with one another so I encourage you to get involved with the podcast and blog! I want to hear about how I can help listeners to get the most of this!

The Inspire Wire is now looking for collaborators! Those who are interested in contributing to the website or podcast in some way, please reach out. See below for more information on a current internship posting on AngelList!


For more information feel free to email at tmurphy@theinspirewire.org

-Tom Murphy
