Looking for Contributors!: “Content Creator” listing on AngelList

Below is the current listing for “Content Creator” on AngelList, a job posting website that specializes in startups. Feel free to check it out!

Content Creator

Do you have inspirational ideas to share? Are you passionate about a topic or a movement? Do you enjoy creative expression and want a platform to do so? Are you trying to get your creative projects going?

I would love to help you achieve those goals!

In March 2017 I created a podcast and website built on inspirational ideas and people. Starting in 2019, I am looking to collaborate with creative people to share ideas, art, thoughts, and more.

Interested Applicants: Please be specific as to what topics/interests you would like to write about and/or discuss. Or if you would like to contribute to the website/podcast in other ways, please be specific.

Relevant Skills:
WordPress, Podcasting, Producing, Creative Writing, Copy Writing and Editing, Website Design, Social Media, Ecommerce

Source: i.pinimg.com

This is an unpaid internship. I am interested in people who are passionate about their interests and are looking for an established platform to share them. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, do not hesitate to check it out!

Source for featured image: Boredart.com